Iconic garden designer Diarmuid Gavin, recently joined forces with Keelings to launch their Great Re-wilding Campaign.
In an effort to address the declining bee and pollinator population and the important role bees play in our ecosystem, Keelings will be giving away 100,000 wildflower seeds which can be redeemed using promotional codes from their special berry punnets. Each seed pack has a blend of 30 different species which have been expertly mixed and will allow the public to create their own wild flower garden, as summer approaches there has never been a better time to get planting.
In an effort to address the declining bee and pollinator population and the important role bees play in our ecosystem, Keelings will be giving away 100,000 wildflower seeds which can be redeemed using promotional codes from their special berry punnets. Each seed pack has a blend of 30 different species which have been expertly mixed and will allow the public to create their own wild flower garden, as summer approaches there has never been a better time to get planting.